Live music back with a bang: "Currie is like a master magician"

© Martin Shields

© Martin Shields

On 17 July, Colin performed live on stage for the first time since lockdown began, to an empty Glasgow City Halls. The performance was broadcast on BBC Radio 3 and is available until 16 August on BBC Sounds.

The Times reviewed the performance, awarding it 4 stars:

“The star performer must have packed the stage with instruments for his hour-long recital of music written for a solo percussionist, such was the pulsing, thumping variety of what was on offer. There can’t be many music lovers who’d consciously sit down to listen to an hour of percussion, but Currie showed us what we’re missing out on. Notes fly at the audience like hail in a storm … Currie is like a master magician.”

Read the full review here.

The programme was as follows:

Per Nørgård: Fire Over Water
Bryce Dessner: TROMP Miniature
Kalevi Aho: Solo XV (UK Premiere)
Kevin Volans: Asanga
Karlheinz Stockhausen: Vibra-Elufa
Toshio Hosokawa: Reminiscence
Iannis Xenakis: Rebonds B