New Colin & Friends Spotify playlist: Helen Grime

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This new playlist represents the connection between myself and Helen Grime, whose Percussion Concerto was written for me and premiered with the London Philharmonic Orchestra in January 2019 with Marin Alsop conducting.

Both of us had strong musical and personal links to Oliver Knussen, so he appears here as composer and collaborator. My late Carter work is included - an Aldeburgh Festival World Premiere in 2011 which Helen attended and also had a work of hers on the same programme. Helen always had a soft spot for Simon Holt’s concerto, and Andriessen’s ‘De Staat’ was on the decks during the writing of my concerto - although of course, her music little resembles that of Simon’s or Louis’!

Furthermore, I have chosen a selection of her own music, which enchants me, grips the listener and shows as ever the grace and tremendous profundity of her music.