Austrian premiere of Bruno Mantovani’s Allegro barbaro with the Vienna Tonkünstler Orchestra

After a successful world premiere of Bruno Mantovani’s Allegro barbaro at the Monte Carlo Spring Festival followed by a performance in Paris at the Maison de la Radio in April, this autumn, Colin performs the Austrian premiere of the same work with the Tonkünstler Orchestra in Vienna (Musikverein) and Grafenegg (Auditorium). This work stands out in Colin’s concerto repertoire as a piece that uses entirely un-pitched instruments in the solo part. His set-up is made up entirely of drums, cymbals, wood blocks, and various loud metal sounds, to brilliantly cacophonous effect. Maestro Yutaka Sado conducts. 

Performances take place on September 30th (Wiener Musikverein), October 1st (Auditorium Grafenegg), and October 2nd (Wiener Musikverein). 

Tickets and more information can be found here.